‘Cellular Psychology’ Teaching Program
This teaching program is for those who are established counsellors and have worked in this way for a number of years. The qualifications obtained and the level of work experience are both taken into account. Spiritually aware individuals such as Shamanic practitioners, who have worked as ‘talking therapists’ are also welcome. In addition to this, and which holds just as much weight as the qualifications and experience, is the consideration given to how much work you have done on yourself and what methods have been utilised. This is key as most of my clients tend to be healthcare professionals such as: counsellors, psychotherapists, herbalists, homeopaths, healers etc., who, like me, failed to find resolution to their longstanding issues within their own sectors. Whilst it’s fair to say that these backgrounds provide a foundation, they do not prepare for the depth and breadth of processing required to achieve ‘effective recovery’, especially in relation to deep rooted (childhood) traumas, the frameworks are too limited for that.
Without going into too much detail here I will just briefly explain; during our incarnations we have specific learnings that the soul is tasked with. Speaking in broad terms they can be categorised as: short, medium and long term objectives, within the whole scope, extending over multiple life times. Counsellors or therapists who work with human psychology but omit the understanding of the soul’s objectives are working with a fraction of the picture. The same applies to those who focus on the soul’s objectives in favour of human psychology. Either way, the result is the same - ineffective healing. The human and soul aspects, working in unity, are a core element to this learning and you will only help others to the point you have helped yourself. This is referred to as ‘knowing the knower’ in ancient Hindu Psychologies.
The main topic focussed on here is recovery from childhood trauma. It is specialised and requires primary experience, understanding and ‘knowing’ - not second hand observations. This is owing to the fact that the sensory element, within the soul’s formulae, is required for cellular processing and it’s a good idea to read the page on Cellular Psychology and also the Disciplines section to understand the intensity of this work and what your role as a trauma counsellor will entail. Needless to say, quick-fix approaches are considered unsuitable and do not feature here at all. Those who do have a decent foundation will be building on current skills and knowledge, which includes learning fundamental aspects of universal knowledge in relation to psychology. This form of learning is ancient and the universe takes a very active part in this process, as do your guides, and you will need to have this link established in order to undertake this role. Not only because of the intensity and complexity of the work but also the necessity of communicating with your clients guides as well as your own, especially when addressing severe cases of childhood trauma.
The below outlines a brief overview of what will be covered during this teaching program:
The Molecular Structure and how the framework within this component dimension functions. Disciplines such as Bounded Harmonics, Cellular Matter and Numerology, in direct relation to Psychology are focussed on, and will hold specific relevance during various stages of this learning.
The Soul’s Path of Evolution and how this relates to ‘effective recovery’ within the process, taking into account the short, medium and long term learning objectives within reincarnations - individually and collectively - and the karmic patterns (cause and effect) that play out.
Past Life Influences and Regression/s; looking at the purpose of accessing those relative and relevant to current healing and development, whilst highlighting the purpose of ‘consolidated atomic knowledge’ in relation to overall evolution.
The Two Umbilical Cords: the human cord connected to our biological parents to activate cellular experience, and the soul cord connecting us to our higher-self/source/god to assimilate the learning of cellular experience on a soul level.
The Main Frame Brain and the Secondary Brain systems; how they communicate between the emotional body and the emotional mind and how they are designed to work in unison.
The ‘inner eye’s role; how it functions on a ‘so within so without’ basis and the many ways in which this, through regular practice, positively effects our recovery process, spiritual development and evolution.
Energetic communication; vortices, voids, building blocks, emotional structures and emotional muscles. Here we will revisit and expand on ‘Bounded Harmonics’ in relation to all cellular structures (P/M/E/I).
Nature versus Nurture: the basic principles of Instinct, Intuition and Emotion, how they interconnect, and the variables of imbalances and balances.
Fragmentation and the birth of the ego, involving fractions of the self and the development of adopted persona’s, attachments and desires.
The conscious, subconscious, unconscious and the relationship between them, including the ability to identify destructive patterns and behaviours, how they manifest themselves and in which areas.
The ‘inner circle of self-worth’ and the ‘outer ego bridge’; the function of the adrenal glands and how the ego progresses, including how to discern the difference between these two aspects and the language they use.
The psychical, metaphysical and ethereal aspects; the relationship between them and how they interlink at various stages during the process.
Dream Interpretation: the ability to understand the language and translate the information on an individual basis (this does not include referencing books or google). You must be able to interpret your own dreams before you can assist with the interpretation of others. Dreams are an enormous and essential part of trauma recovery.
Synchronicity and Symbolism (outside of dream interpretation) and how they play their part in the overall healing process, including the facilitation of individual spiritual development.
Developing effective communication with your own guide as well as your client’s guide, covering the purpose and importance of safety, calling cards and keys, such as talisman.
Understanding the relationship between the psychology and biology; identifying key signs and symptoms that appear at various stages throughout the process, and how they work to align.
Correctly identifying and addressing the source of trauma/s, including fragmented memories, blocks and limitations.
The Secondary (outer) layer and the Primary (inner) layer and how we move through correctly and safely during the process.
Cellular Memory Release; what aspects are involved, preparation of what to expect and the methods applied during the process.
Abandonment and Estrangement; addressing the realities and complexity of grief during the release and recovery process, dissolvement of the matter and resolution. This will include both the human and soul aspects.
The Galactic Tract; our current position on it and the transition from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, focussing on the ‘Quantum of Time’ and the ‘Rational Functions’ within this component dimension.
How this transition will affect the future approach to Psychology in general, especially in the west.
This is a very brief overview of what is involved in this teaching. You do not need to be an expert in these matters but you do need to have a good level of understanding and the ability to develop further in these area’s. Any unprocessed material identified during the course of this learning will need to be addressed prior to utilising these methods in your own practice. Case studies will also be part of this learning, covering a minimum of 4 clients.
This teaching program is carried out on a 1-2-1 basis.
The cost is £60 per hour.
Maximum 2 hours per teaching session.