From as early on as I can recall - I saw, heard and sensed things around me that others didn't seem to be aware of.  I also knew things about people, their lives, their emotions and interactions with others, good and bad.  

My very first memory is of pulling myself up to stand, well - wobble - in my cot.  I was holding onto the bars feeling agitated and a very clear thought formed; 'where is everyone?'.  Shortly after which time, someone appeared.  I also had an awareness of space and objects around me too, I knew where the cot was, where the door was, and where the window was.  Another early memory is of heads and beings coming into the room, accept they didn't come through the door, they floated through the air, zooming in and out.  I also had images of the star systems that ran in parallel to the earth images, like a screen split into two running alongside one another. These were my very first memories and first indications of an awareness of other worlds and other beings during this incarnation. I also interacted regularly with other souls; a common phenomenon young sensitive children experience, often referred to by adults, as ‘invisible friends’. Although I was always very aware of these happenings and none of it felt anything other than normal to me, I wasn't able to speak about such things openly. My family environment was a very unhealthy one, so I was pretty much on my own with my awareness.

A question I am often asked is ‘why were you awake so early on’? The answer to that generally lies in ‘‘the reason’ (objective or ‘task’ during each incarnation) and ‘the relevance’ (souls evolutionary age). Both of these points combined are pre-determined formula’s to serve specific purposes. For example; the nature of the individuals environment and the events in which they are exposed too determine that individuals awaking (reason). So, if their environments are particularly difficult ones, as mine was, then they need to be awake very early on - out of necessity. The other determining factor is related to their souls evolutionary age (relevance). This, too, determines how early on we access universal awareness (refer to my Numerology, Geometrics and Quantum Physics pages for more information on that). But generally speaking, these are the two main factors that determine when you awaken, and how you awaken. The more difficult the path, the more evolved you need to be to walk it, and Numerology in particular gives you information on the souls age and the tasks it is here to perform.

This is one of the reasons myself, and others like me, are here and awake from day one and the environment is the stage we play out our karma on, both light and dark. This is also about assisting with evolutionary phases through major dimensional transitions which means that some of us are here to teach as well as learn, or master a line of learning that we’ve been working on for some time.  In order to ensure the souls objective is achieved with the correct precision necessary during these transitions, there are often a few ‘practice runs’ during previous incarnations to assimilate the knowledge properly, and safely contain it within the souls ‘vault’. This minimizes any interruption and interference with the task at hand during Numerical transitions (where we are now). It also ensures accuracy at an accomplished level that is required to educate others about regarding specific aspects of human behaviours, particularly destructive ones.

The major shifts and changes currently happening on this planet are, therefore, scheduled to happen, as is the educating and imparting of esoteric knowledge (appropriate to this component dimension) also scheduled to happen. The exposing of a stream of beings, whose main focus is to disrupt humanities evolution, is part of the scheduled transition as well - hence the need for light beings to go through certain experiences. Because when humanity evolves their species dissolves. This is one of the reasons that individuals with esoteric knowledge and abilities are ignored, put down and ridiculed. It is the same said reason that these souls are deliberately and savagely attacked during infancy or very early childhood; this species does not wish humanity to ‘wake up’ and they know that light souls with evolved levels of abilities, are here to do just that.

So, that’s who I am, and why I am here now, at this time.

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