COST: £50. 1 hour

Symbolism is a huge subject that covers a mass of disciplines and Philosophies.   It is the basic corner stone of some of the areas that I work with such as; Psychology, Dream Interpretation, Numerology and Sacred Geometry etc.  Which is why I have chosen to put Dream Interpretation under this section as well. Our dreams are often obscure and that’s because they are communicating with us in a symbolic language. We need to understand one in order to understand the other. So let’s look at these two sections and how they break down and interconnect.

It’s quite common for people to confuse the term ‘Symbolism’ with ‘Symbology’. The former is focused on having a thorough understanding of the whole and everything that goes into various formulae for producing consolidated matter of expression/s - including symbols. Symbology on the other hand tends to focus on just the symbols themselves. The problem with this is that you will have no basis of understanding as to the actual origins of them and it doesn’t teach you anything either. This is the equivalent of buying food and not knowing/caring how or where it came from. Regurgitating patterns, without properly understanding their origins, is very unwise and the manipulation of symbols has been and, still is, rife. So, it’s best to know how they come into existence (intention and form) before you go about repeating and redistributing.  

I actively lived with symbolism at quite a young age but I didn't have any idea what it was back then.  Recalling my early school years, when I had no connection to the curriculum at all, I can remember staring at the feet and shoes of those children who did seem to have a connection to it and I used to think to myself 'if only my feet were in their shoes, things would be so much easier for me'.  It wasn't until years later that I recognised that this was a 'Psychological Symbolism' manifesting itself in me; “I literally wanted to walk in someone else’s shoes.”  I began to recognise the deeper aspects of Symbolism during my 30's when  I began drawing symbols and shapes that turned out to be Egyptian Hieroglyphs.  I didn't know they were Hieroglyphs and it was some time later when I shared them with someone who had studied Egyptology.  He provided me with the details and, upon translating them, I found that the meaning confirmed my own interpretation of them. I can only surmise that these knowing’s were either accessed at the time of drawing them or, perhaps, brought in with me from my many life times over there. Toltec and Hinduism were other area’s in which I seemed to understand Symbolism innately, particularly in relation to Psychology.

This is a key point to considering our own understanding of Symbolism; to recognise that each being will have their own individual relationship to a common matter, which is why no 'one size' fits all, it is purely subjective to individual perception and we must be open-minded to this.  Young or old, many souls will have reincarnated elsewhere and into various lineages, which means that we will have learned different concepts and meanings during those lives, many from the same matter/discipline and brought them through with us into this life.  Think of languages for example; the basis behind all lines and curves used to make up the whole and unify a common meaning but they are designed and built for communicating within local communities appropriate to that geographical location and culture.  The basis of them is the same, we just follow different patterns.  An Important thing to remember about Symbolism is to be open-minded about it.  Insisting that things are set in stone limits our possibilities to learn something new - even if the lesson is that it's 'not for me' - we are still learning.  Closing down communication with other people is unhelpful and, when we add too much meaning to something, we then close our minds to other possibilities.

To give a brief explanation on this, as you may have noticed throughout this website, I spell Yin as Ying. This is not a typo or an error on my part, it is, as I see it, the correct spelling. According to current interpretations Ying (Yin) is said to be the female, darker, shadowy side, and Yang is the male, lighter, sunnier side. With that in mind, how can we apply this to the current transition? Given that the light is now tangibly increasing in brightness and temperature on this planet, shining its light on a great many dark spots, coupled with a more focus on the feminine energy for solutions - how is it possible to represent the female energy as the darker side? Surely we’d be busy burying truths rather than exposing lies? Expanding on that point - using this current interpretation - if male energy is, indeed, the lighter side then this means that female energy has reigned supreme over the last 3000 years, - a difficult point for anyone to put forwards. Either way, I feel that we are left with two possibilities; the first one being that female energy has reigned supreme over the last 3000 years and will now make way for male energy to reign supreme for the next period - Or the symbol has been misrepresented - but it can’t be both. The most likely conclusion for me is the latter, that the symbol has been lost in translation along the way and that includes the spelling of it.

This is just one example of many I have questioned within the discipline of symbolism and the Wests interpretation of them, including the spelling. And it is ok to question, in fact, it is important to do so and not just take what we are told as gospel.

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Dream Interpretation is a method of analysing deeper meanings that are communicated to us when our conscious self is in a state of relaxation. The easiest way to think about it is: The sun is our conscious self in activity, and the moon is our subconscious self reflecting on our activity. This is the moons task: to reflect.

Dream Interpretation is as old as we are. It has worked its way down through the ages and has been held, by most cultures, as being something of great significance - with good reason.  Thanks to modern day pressures our sleeping time is about the only chance we get to rest our minds and enter into the quiet state of the subconscious.  It is important to understand these deeper aspects of the 'self' and re-learn how to explore our wisdom laying dormant within. 

Dreams generally occur during our sleeping state but they can also occur during our waking state.  The communication between our conscious and subconscious includes these ‘states’ and dream analysis plays a key part in the psychology process, especially during my counselling work.  The insight provided during the therapeutic process, that might otherwise be missed, is invaluable.  Not that you need to be in counselling to explore your dreams - you can explore them at any time you wish but it highlights the importance of them in that respect, too.  Some people consult me because they need a profound dream and/or repetitive dream interpreted.  They might also be experiencing many dreams which seem linked but they can't quite connect the dots and therefore miss the underlying message.  Some people also experience the phenomenon of prophecy, which is closely related to past life regression, during dream states.  This is unveiling the channels of time.  In general terms; a prophesier of events is also apt at regression. The same curtain divides the two and some people are able to draw back this curtain to reveal what lurks on the other side; as one peaks through to look forward, the other peaks through to look back.  This is where feelings of 'deja vu' come from.  (For more information on regression please refer to that page.)

Learning the art of dream analysis and how to go about interpreting your own is a really useful and valuable tool to have.  Giving you the ability to understand not only the 'self' better but to give you some insight on how you relate to the world around you as well.  Obviously I am unable to impart all of this knowledge during one session but having a dream interpreted will hopefully give you some insight on how the dots are connected - which is always my aim within each discipline - to teach you, not tell you.  So with that in mind, a good place to start is by writing your dreams down. You will find there is a lot more information being imparted to you during this time than you've perhaps given credit for in the past.  Dreams speak to us in an ancient language that cuts across all spoken/written languages in our modern day era.  People often refer to dreams as being obscure when, in actual fact, they are consolidating such volumes of information into just a few moments, that it cannot possibly utilise our modern language to convey all of this to us.  It is efficiency at its very best and in its purest form.

There are many symbolisms shown to us in our dreams; places, faces, animals, symbols, elements, colours, numbers etc. We can’t list or interpret each meaning here, that would be impossible and, as dreams are individual, they will never apply universally as a standard.  What is useful for you to know are the various platforms of dream communications, and these are as follows. 

The 3 key platforms for dream communication covered here are as follows:   

The first communication is during our sleep.  When our unconscious self or higher self, focuses our attention towards areas of our lives that need addressing.  Areas we are either ignoring, or too busy to pay attention to during our waking hours. These could be very specific and show us recognisable details - albeit with the varying plays on the picture - like metaphors. Or they could be analogies which tend to be more vague and obscure, requiring you to work that bit harder to correctly decipher the underlying meaning.

The second communication is also during our sleep, but these messages come to us from outside of ourselves – from the universe or 'source'. These can overlap or evolve into spiritual journeys as well as receiving messages for interpretation. This communication can range from scripts and symbolism, right through to Prophesies.  Prophecies are generally shown to Seers and/or Psychics.  Not all Seers are Psychic, and not all Psychics are Seers – although some overlap and do both. Prophecies are not the same as Clairvoyance, and not something you can voluntarily tune into, at least not in my experience. They are very vivid, extremely accurate, and you will experience the psychical in the same exacting detail as you have been shown. 

The third communication is when we are awake.  This is called a ‘Waking Dream’.  This type of communication isn't terribly common these days, but it does still happen to some Psychics and/or Seers. Much like Prophecy, it is not a voluntary process and therefore extremely disorientating when you awaken.  Time has passed, but you have no recollection of it passing.  Depending on the visual you can be left feeling shaken, confused and also a bit queasy. Sometimes with a sense of urgency to communicate what you have seen. Checking in with yourself when you awaken is absolutely essential.  By this I mean: Asking yourself your name, your age, and your location. As I say, it is very disorientating.  There is absolutely no mistaking a Waking Dream.

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