Symbolism Workshop - an introduction

This workshop is a broad overview touching on a very big subject. Symbolism is a discipline that underpins a multitude of other disciplines, much like Philosophy does. The factors in terms of expression and meaning are vast and the differences in symbolisms can, and often do create a lot of confusion in our world. People from various fields spend eons arguing over what means what to whom. The same symbols can be used to express different meanings, in much the same way as the common letters are put together to create a wrath of different meanings to different languages and cultures.

A very simple example of this would be: In the so called progressive countries, we tend to use the same alphabet to express a common language for conveying and expressing general meaning. The difference is the way in which we use the alphabet to do this. The letters in and of themselves are a common theme across the general use of the alphabet, with the odd difference here and there - granted - but in the main we can recognise the letters (symbols) used. We just don’t recognise the correlation of them in terms of understanding the end meaning in specific relation to our individual languages. So we either have to learn these specific languages, or we find an interpreter to translate it for us.

The important thing to remember is to remain open minded about what specific symbolisms means to you, whilst appreciating that the exact same symbolism could mean something entirely different to somebody else, across the board, and in every discipline.

This is a 1 day course and the cost is £100 pp.

For more information about these courses including the next available dates please contact me directly.  To secure a place on the course a deposit of 50% is required on booking.   

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