COST: £50. 1 hour

Quantum Physics is a subject that tends to run through the other subject matters that I teach, particularly Geometrics, Numerology and (Cellular) Psychology.

The term ‘Quantum’ refers to measurement and understanding measurements in terms of frequency, vibration and energetic disposition, supposition and definition. It is both fixed and variable in context and I would suggest that you read up on the section about Sacred Geometry before looking into this area further. The understanding about the creation of life in any dimension, both parallel and non-parallel (opposing), is quite an important aspect and the basis to understanding this mammoth subject. If you already understand Geometrics then read on.

When we are talking about Quantum Physics, on a universal scale, we are factoring in a discipline known as ‘Quantum Rationale’. This is logical as the details of rationale relate (context) and are relative to (content), dimensional and interdimensional energy. We cannot alter this nor can we skip over it. There is a process to go through and the disinformation out there concerning this is usually designed to confuse, particularly during major dimensional shifts (which 2020 and beyond is). For example: the disinformation currently circulating relates to this specific dimensional component on the universal tract (the dimension in which we exist). The current theories circulating suggest that we are about to enter into the 5th dimension instead of the 4th and/or that we entered into the 4th in 2012 only to be transitioning into the 5th Dimension very soon. These theories are incorrect and understanding quantum physics in relation to the interdimensional energies shows this to be an impossibility. The origins of confusion appear to stem from three aspects.

  1. One aspect of confusion is owing to a referenced termed being bandied about called the ‘gateway’ which is the inception process within the molecular structure itself and is intrinsically connected with the number 4. The gateway reference is correct but that in itself does not determine specific (numbering) dimensions, the components within them, or the transitioning of them. Numbers are simply defined as individual components (symbols) taken from the molecular structure to express a condensed meaning. Their attributes and how they express themselves, therefore, are not limited to the confines of individual symbols alone. When you understand geometrics in relation to numbers then you will know that each number is the consolidated form - a snapshot - of a much bigger symbolic expression. In this case, for example, the number 4 = molecular structure and runs across the entire galactic spectrum.

  2. The second aspect of confusion is owing to the understanding that there are indeed 5D energies amongst us aiding with this transitional period, as there are many other D energies (6/7/8/9) aiding us in this transition too. But the emphasis being on 5D energies comes from their position of being the predecessors of 4D, just like the 6D are the predecessors of 5D and so forth. It is a bit similar to our first day at school when we are assigned someone from the year above to guide us. It is for the purposes of preparation and guidance and once we are more settled and have learned how to function at this different frequency level, in order to find our own solutions, these energies will (in the main) return to their own dimension again. But recognising 5D energies here does not mean that we are entering into the 5th dimension.

  3. The third aspect of confusion is owing to the understanding of the Dimensional energies themselves and individual capabilities based on their own (D) frequencies. i.e. 3D energies have been accessing 4D energies for years and beyond that if they are evolved enough. Again it is the predecessor so, of course, 4D will naturally access 5D frequencies. Quantum rationale determines the frequencies and vibrations and, therefore, limits how much is made available to us - relative to our individual evolution process. One example of this is telepathy. Telepathy is not new. Animals use it all of the time as do many beings who are from more evolved dimensions. It is a frequency, no more no less. Your own evolution, coupled with the frequencies available in each (D), determines the range of vibrations and also the use of them. Frequencies are also utilised differently in the Ying Yang state and that needs to be understood too.

This is why understanding Geometrics is so important, it is the basis to understanding Quantum Physics. It’s a lot to explain here but suffice to say, entire and/or component dimensions don’t ‘skip’ over time zones any more than we skip over human years. Nor can we, as human beings, alter dimensional transcendence within these time zones. Our relationship with/to time is relative to the frequencies that we operate within, but the process of time in and of itself doesn’t change i.e., it still takes 3 minutes to boil an egg regardless of whether we spend that time watching the water boil or buttering the toast in which to eat it with. The specific equation/s relative to the quantum of time and their rational functions applies to every process of dimensional transitioning whether they be parallel or apposing. The calculations clearly explain this and whilst I cannot go into those here, the explanations above, hopefully, provide some exampled clarification on the matter.

The Quantum of Rational; is the chosen / adopted measurement by individual interplanetary species, which defines individual sectors of cellular experience, relative to that dimensional incarnational structure, i.e., molecular structure + atoms = cellular matter. In other words, each cellular formula has its own defined measurement. The biological infrastructure determines the speed in which each life form transcends from inception to dissolvement, i.e., quantum assembling and dissembling. We can, when we are evolved enough as individuals, metaphysically and ethereally transcend through time and space within each biological incarnation, but we cannot dictate and/or influence entire galactic systems to transcend according to our (very limited) understanding of time, as outlined above. To put this into some perspective, what do you imagine might happen if you suddenly aged 20/30/40 years overnight? You’d probably die of shock which, incidentally, is exactly what happens when the biological process is ruptured in this way. Essentially, when we do transcend through time zones, via regression or other means, we are sticking to parallel dimensions not apposing ones. Now apply that explanation to moving through any dimension (in this case the 4th) at a speed so fast that we all age 1000’s of years within a mere decade. It is simply not possible within the biological framework in which we exist. The dimensional infrastructure itself would likely evaporate through the sheer force of this speed. Therefore, the measurements in place are there to ensure that a steady equilibrium flows throughout. Simply put; moving through dimensional cycles, that take thousands of years, are relative to that interplanetary and interdimensional functioning rationale. It requires careful and formulated calculation. All done by a universe that knows infinitely more than we do. A miniscule fraction of this calculation can be seen in Numerology, in relation to our incarnational processes, including the direction of learning in which we are focused upon during each individual (and often collective) cycle/s. It is a ‘so within so without’ effect.

I actually spent some time trying to develop a calculus through abstract equation relating to Numerology frequencies (P/E/M/S) on a per incident basis. My reasoning was that if we could formulate specific experiences then we could understand the lessons contained within the programming (DNA) much more quickly and have some sort of ratio/benchmark to work within. But after producing just one equation relating to one incident, with minimal factors, I was forced to accept that these formulae are just so vast that we could devote our entire lives to observing situations and incidents and still not manage it. The possibilities in terms of variables are infinite and far too time consuming for us to calculate, that’s why the universe does it for us. Nonetheless, we can work with what the Universe does permit us to know (relative to each dimensional component) and understand the broader terms on that basis.

Contrary to popular belief, the Universe does want us to understand this subject and it is unfortunately the abuse of science, including the science of language and the subsequent (deliberate) disinformation put out there, that creates both the confusion and the mistaken belief that the average human being cannot understand these disciplines. This is untrue. Think about what Einstein said; “If you can’t explain it simply then you don’t understand it well enough'“. It may take some time to digest the information to reach that all important innate consolidation of it but that’s what true (atomic) learning is all about. It doesn’t come from books alone. It comes from doing and applying theory (concept) to matter (experience). This is the process of evolution and it is our basic human right to learn about these disciplines. So, just forget the hype around it and follow your intuition when entering into this discipline. You will be pleasantly surprised at just how much you can understand.

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