Reiki Courses / Attunements

Reiki Attunements are fairly straight forward in themselves, although they do generally have quite an impact on people during and afterwards.

Before I attune you to Reiki, it is important to establish that you are ready to be attuned.  Some people 'open up' or enter into a spiritual stage called 'ascension' and this is an experience that you need to be ready for.  Some people react to attunements more so than others, but it's not a process to be underestimated whoever you are or whenever you do it.  Situations where I will be unable to attune you are;  If you are currently in the midst of an intensive or difficult process such as depression, recovery from addiction (early stages) or any undue stress or trauma.  This will not be the right time to attune you. Attuning you to Reiki is the same as undertaking any other spiritual development process, too much too soon can be a mistake - you need to be ready for it. If attunements are attempted too soon, one of two things can happen:

1.    The attunement will not take;  in other words you are too blocked to accept the Reiki attunement at this time and your mind and body will reject it, and therefore have no real impact on you at all.

2.   Or the attunement will take, and it could exacerbate your symptoms of depression and stress significantly, possibly worsening your condition and adding anxiety in the process. 

Either way, you will not achieve the desired result for an affective and positive attunement and will have wasted your time, effort and money in doing this when you are not ready to do it.  So making sure that you are in the right state of mind and place in your life is very important.  A good Reiki Teacher will ascertain this as well and advise you to wait if they feel it’s necessary to do so.  The importance placed on regular practice needs to be emphasised here, too.   The original way of teaching Reiki was more stringent than it is now and very few people were taken to teacher level, due to the processing that was required for ‘effective’ self-healing.  This is very much in line with how I work and the emphasis is on the effort’s you make with self healing which, in turn, will naturally reflect on your ability to heal others.   

Cost and Duration

Usui Reiki 1 Level

This course is all about attuning you to the energy of Usui Reiki and learning how to self heal as well as understanding the lineage, Chakra points and basic principles and hand positioning.  Once you have done this, you can also practise Reiki on family, friends, pets, plants etc., but not on strangers, and not in any professional capacity.   I will emphasise here that self healing is the basis of Reiki level 1, which is fairly logical to any healing process.  You cannot heal others unless you first learn how to heal yourself.  The more you use Reiki the quicker you will understand how it works.  It’s also important to bare in mind that attunements often bring up old, unresolved, issues to the surface, some of which may require you to take additional steps to address and process them properly.  For example:  Issues you thought you’d dealt with might reappear - this is one of the symptoms of attunements.  This is another reason why the original way of teaching took many years and, if it’s done properly, still does take a long time to master. 

The course is run over one full day for 1-2-1's , or two full days in a group - up to a maximum of four people. The cost is £150 per person.

Usui Reiki 2 / Practitioner Level

This course is practitioner level, and enables you to work on other people and, therefore, charge them for the healing that you provide. This is where we begin to incorporate symbols so the understanding of these are included in the teaching as well as looking at ethical and safe practices.   Continued regular practice on yourself is required to ensure that you understand how the energies work through you and the use of symbols, as well as continuing to address anything that arises for you personally as a result of the attunement.  Case studies are part of this level of learning and also in obtaining the certificate in order to practice as a healer, so please do factor that in when making a decision to do this Reiki 2 level.  This is important and for the benefit of yourself as well as your clients.  No extra charge is incurred for assessing case studies but they do need to be completed prior to issuing the practitioner certificate.  

The course is run over one full day for 1-2-1's , or two full days in a group - up to a maximum of four people.  The cost is £200 per person. 

Usui Reiki 3 / Master Level

This course is level 3 / Master Level which means committing to incorporating Reiki into your life daily.   There are additional Symbols to learn here and also how to teach and attune others to Reiki. Some teachers split this level up into Master Practitioner and Master Teacher, thereby having 4 courses for the Usui completion.  This is an individual preference and having learned both ways, I actually prefer not to split this up as I feel that, at this stage, you ought to have learned how to use the energy properly by practising regularly on yourself and others before proceeding onto this final level.  By now, you will have understood the importance of processing any matters that require addressing, as part of the attunements, and part of the overall, ongoing, learning.  You will also have done your case studies for the practitioner level to proceed to teacher level.  This course will go into more detail about the necessity of discernment and employing caution with regards to who you can and cannot teach. 

The course is run over one day on 1-2-1 , or two days in a group - up to a maximum of four people. The cost is £300 per person.

Seichim Reiki Practitioner Level

This form of healing energy is of Egyptian Lineage, called Seichim Reiki, and I will only teach this when you have obtained your Level 3 / Master Usui Reiki.  The energy of this is no more or less an effective healing technique than Usui, but it is quite different in vibration and a powerful one at that, therefore, it is wise to have done the Usui Reiki attunements before moving onto this one.  As with all the other attunements, any unresolved matters that come up to the surface will require addressing as part of the learning process.  Seichim Reiki comes with its own symbols and understanding this form of energy needs to be learned and practiced properly and thoroughly.  Like all energy teaching, varying levels are included here;  most stick to Practitioner and Master attunements with Seichim, which is how I work.  Case studies are part and parcel of obtaining this practitioner certificate, just as they are with Usui, so please factor that in before proceeding with this course.  

The course is run over one full day for 1-2-1's , or two full days in a group - up to a maximum of four people.  The cost is £200 per person. 

Seichim Reiki Master Level

This is the last Reiki attunement I offer where you will learn to teach and attune others to the Seichim form of Reiki healing. Just as with the Usui Reiki, it is necessary to leave enough time between Practitioner and Master (months not weeks) to assimilate what you have learned and address any issues that personally arise. These attunements are strong and you will need to adjust to the new energy working through you as part of your learning and development, and you will need to take your time to understand things properly before rushing off to teach others. You will also need to have completed the practitioner level first, including the case studies required from that level, and be able to apply the same caution and discernment as to who you can and cannot teach as you do with Usui.

The course is run over one full day for 1-2-1's , or two full days in a group - up to a maximum of four people.  The cost is £300 per person.

As an overall note, please do bare in mind that there is an important development aspect to this healing process. Rushing ahead with attunements or failing to follow through with case notes, as part of the learning, is not only unwise, it goes against the grain of how it was originally taught. Any understanding that has substance to it takes time to obtain and absorb. Something to bare in mind when undertaking any healing training.

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