Please note: I no longer do readings, church services or demonstrations due to the changing energies. The emphasis now is on individuals developing their own intuition which will enable them to answer their own questions. These disciplines are still utilised during therapies and teaching - but only where relevant. The below descriptions are for information purposes only.
Spiritual Mediumship, Channelling and Psychic Intuitions: A common question tends to be 'what's the difference between a these three?' The quick answer is that: Psychics perceive whereas Mediumship and Channelling receive, some do all three. The common denominator is that they are all 'reading energies' in one form or another. Let's look at them individually:
Spiritual Mediumship is to 'tune-in' to the universal energy system on a metaphysical and/or ethereal level, to act as a direct intermediary/messenger between you and the universal energy system. These connections can be with souls you once knew before they passed on from this existence/incarnation, your own spirit guides, and/or the universal energy of all communication. Commonly referred to as either ‘Source’, Spirit’ or ‘God’. Whatever term sits best with you, its all one and the same thing regardless. An old myth around mediumship is that we are 'contacting the dead'. This is incorrect, because we don’t actually ‘die’. We assemble/ reassemble (incarnate) and then disassemble (pass on), before repeating the process on the pathway of evolution. What mediums are actually doing, is tuning into an energy of a soul that still exists, either in the current incarnation, or recounting a memory of that incarnation, from whichever time and space their soul is based now. Suffice to say, we are not just ‘here or there’. Souls, particularly mature souls, are able to reincarnate simultaneously across the globe as well as existing in other dimensions and on multiple levels. This is basic quantum physics and it is very important to understand reincarnation as an evolutionary process and the part it plays within the molecular structure that runs throughout the galaxies. Mediumship is simply connecting within a certain framework of frequency, energy and vibration that facilitates this particular communication process. This is why some mediums, including myself, are able to communicate with energies who are still in the current incarnation. i.e. physical form - as well as those who have passed on, and/or taken on a new form. Either way, when you come to me for a ‘mediumship’ reading, you will get certain information that you can relate to in order to identify them as you knew/know them. This tends to be name, physical description and characteristic. Their energy will also hold a strong relevance to the message being imparted to you, enabling a deeper understanding which is a key point to mediumship - the actual message itself - in addition to the evidence of the actual soul imparting the message.
Channelling is when a spirit will communicate information through us, either on a conscious/aware level or unconscious/unaware level. Some individuals prefer to be unconscious/unaware and will therefore have no recollection as to what they have said after the event. I am always conscious/aware when I channel spirits communication and this is my choice and, as such, I generally remember everything I have said, sometimes for months/years afterwards. The main element I work with when I Channel is Philosophy, although Mediumship (individual messages) will be part of this if I am doing a reading, or Church Service. Philosophy events are predominantly focused on teaching, so don't expect too many individual messages in these situations. Even in Church Services messages are the secondary aspect, and in these times, the Philosophy is becoming more a key focus, as it teaches us that we need to look beyond our own needs. Learning about certain aspects of Psychologies, particularly ancient Psychologies in relation to understanding the 'self', and improving our connection to everything around us underpins most of my work. So during readings or counselling sessions don't be surprised if experiences that you haven't understood and/or processed properly come up during the session.
(For more information on counselling please refer to the healing page, where you will find ‘cellular psychology').
Psychic Intuition
Psychic is to tune into someone else, a space or situation, using intuitions and unseen senses. People who can do this are able to gain insights into what's happening, without having any prior knowledge or personal connection to it. But the information is coming from their own perception rather than what they receive through other souls/energies. The use of Clair's is here as well as during Mediumship. My own senses/clair's include Clairvoyance (seeing), Clairaudiance (hearing), Clairsentience (sensing), Clairescence (smelling) and Claircognizance (knowing). A Psychic reading can be conducted either with or without the use of divination. Divination is a very ancient technique of relaying what the universe has to say about you, through the use of tools and methods; such as a crystals, cards, runes, psychometry etc. These insights about you and your life may or may not make absolute sense at the time of the reading, but at some point you will register the messages from the reading, and it will all 'click' into place. Some readers are both Medium and Psychic, so a combination of both during a reading is likely.
Please note: Any bookings cancelled within 24 hours notice are subject to a charge. I may also request a 50% payment up front.